Recognize the «Divine»
Start with «Heaven and Earth»

Recall that the Root Hierarchy (see image) can be divided into:
- A higher zone of 3 Levels which involved and disconnection from current messy and unsatisfactory realities.
- A lower zone of 3 Levels which involved via engagement with and enmeshment in such realities so as to modify them.
- Mediating between these two zones is your , which enables awareness of what is above and what is below, and continuously appraises in terms of your sense of yourself.
This same pattern, drawing on these phenomena, plays out in the interacting Root Typology.
of theAs a result, the
are divided into:- A higher zone of 3 Levels which correspond to «Heaven» where one set of Model Beings is found. These heavenly beings/planes are termed «Divine».
- A lower zone of 3 Levels which correspond to «Earth», where a different set of Model Beings are found. These earthly beings/planes are termed « ».
- An intermediary Level ( ) where semi-divine human functioning is possible.
Because it is found within THEE, the «Divine» must be part of the human condition and intrinsic to our endeavours. (It may sound contradictory or paradoxical to say that the Divine realm is a phenomenon, but that seems to be the case.) The full picture is shown below.
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Practical Divisions
as a whole sustain our humanity just as the physical plane sustains physical reality. If space and time were to vanish, then humans would cease to exist physically. If ethics and creativity were to vanish, then biology-driven subjective experiences (psychosocial reality) might persist, but humanity as we know it would disappear.From the perspective of everyday life, the Model Beings fall naturally into three groups as follows:
andWorldly Existence
The lowest two existential
are used on a daily basis and are accessible to all human beings. This is the world of creative work. Although one or the other is chosen as the principal or preferred one for regular use, both need to be used.- ↔ Instrumental Being
- ↔ Mindful Being
Advanced Existence
The next two higher existential Divine Planes. This is the world of creative service to humanity.
are accessible to all in principle, but are only sustained in very few. People functioning on these exert an invisible attraction for those on lower , probably because they consistently serve as direct conduits from the- ↔ Awakened Being
- ↔ World Saviour
Divine Existence
The upper three existential
are «real» for us in the sense that they are experienced and engaged with in psychological and social ways i.e. within psychosocial reality.There is again an important distinction between the Model Beings (imaginary and subjective) and the (imaginary but objective because of psychosocial phenomena). Although we do not live in or on these , we actively sustain them and are influenced by them. They represent the world that creatively preserves our essential humanity, stimulating and encouraging what is best (and worst) in us.
- ↔ Supreme Being
- ↔ Cosmic Forces
- ↔ Universal Spirit

If there is anything, below
, it is biological mechanism. In our biological substratum are instinctual, reflex and neuronally programmed tendencies. Biology is physics-and-chemistry based, not language-based, not dependent on willingness, nor driven by values and goals. Biology must underpin everything that is psychosocial, just as chemistry must underpin biology and physics must underpin chemistry.The survival need to recognize and sustain the self is what creates a «
» life revolving around a seeming self. This self is an artificial continuity in the flow of experiences: 'artificial' because everything is dynamic and nothing can be stilled. This continuity uses language in maintaining itself and resisting change.More.
Can anything exist above
? Going beyond unification with a would be to enter a state beyond nothingness. That must be even more unknowable and inexpressible than can be expressed or imagined.Because I can write about it here, albeit rather indirectly, it exists—in my psychosocial reality at least. I would be inclined to term it the Let's just leave it there as neither being nor non-being.
, because all possibilities of non-being and being emerge from it. I'm not sure what use it is or whether it matters: but it might. So, as Pascal proposed, it seems best to play it safe.
If you feel critical already, check out some contentious issues that may be relevant, and raise your own issues by leaving .
- Start looking into worldly existence at the Practical Level.
Originally posted: 14-Sep-2012